Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What's The Impact Of Your Management Style? by Tim Connor, CSP

               Words of wisdom for this week.   

“In times of stress be bold and valiant.”  Horace

Many managers during stressful times tend to fluctuate in their approach to their employees and their challenges and roles.  Stress has an impact on everyone in one way or another.  Some people withdraw while others lash out in frustration and anxiety.  Needless to say as a manager you’re every decision, action and behavior has consequences on your employees, group or the organization as a whole.  Unfortunately during difficult times you can’t just hide, waiting until things get better or pass.

If you have excellent people skills and are a decisive manager of you deviate from these during uncertain periods you will send a clear message to your employees that you can’t successfully manage your own emotions and actions.  This can have drastic consequences on the performance, motivation and productivity of your department or division.

Self-management, regardless of what is going on around them, is a vital attribute of all successful managers.

Management style can be described with any number of traits.  It can be but isn’t limited to your;

Vision, Leadership, Empowerment of your employees, Communication style, Ego control, Listening ability, Validation approach, Supervision skills, Decision making, Coaching skills and much more.

So let me ask you, during stressful or difficult times do any of these vary in a way that they will have a negative impact on your employees?

It’s natural to ebb and flow as a manager.  No one is perfect.  No one is immune to mistakes, errors in judgment or the inability to always control themselves in every circumstance.  But again the question remains, are the gradual or abrupt changes in your management style having an impact on morale, communication, team spirit or the trust and respect your employees have for you?

The key to successful self-management is the ability to function from the inside-out and not the outside-in.  In other words the ability to remain centered, calm and focused no matter what is going on around you.  This is not an easy task if you tend to have a reactive or heavy top-down management style.  Over the years I have observed many managers who seem to just not ‘get it’.  They are totally isolated from the apparent consequences of their behaviors on their employees.  They just keep pointing their fingers the wrong way rather than looking in the mirror.

One of the vital management traits for success is consistency, the ability to remain focused on the ball no matter what is happening around you.

How would you rate yourself?  How would your employees rate you?  Might be interesting to find out?


The Author:

Tim Connor, CSP World renowned Speaker, Trainer and best selling
author of 67 titles, Box 397, Davidson, N.C. 28036 USA, 704-895-1230
(voice) - 704-895-1231 (fax) - (email) - (Website)


Tim Connor,

Speaker, Trainer, Best Selling Author

Box 397 Davidson, N.C. 28036 USA

704-895-1230 (voice) 704-895-1231 (fax) (email)

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